We recover damages caused by anticompetitive practices

Antitrust Claims

Antitrust claims

We provide assistance to companies damaged by cartels and other anti-competitive practices in recovering their losses

Libra constantly monitors the market, tracks the ongoing investigations and studies the decisions of the Italian and international antitrust authorities concerning the violation of competition rules, in particular price fixing.
Libra identifies the most relevant and well-founded cases, funding all the charges and expenses incurred by the damaged companies for the recovery of the losses, without any risk.
We support our clients in all phases of the compensation, starting from the collection of necessary documentation, up to negotiation and eventually litigation.
These are not collective actions but single procedures, usually brought together, so that each damaged company is subject to specific analysis and assistance.
We are aware that, in most cases, the relationship with suppliers is deeply strategic; therefore, although an anticompetitive and harmful conduct has been ascertained, it may be preferable not to initiate a dispute.
For such reason, confidential and high-profile negotiations are always privileged, with a view to identifying the best solution for fair compensation and, at the same time, maintaining the supply contract in force.
On the contrary, if the supplier is not available to negotiate, upon consent of the damaged customer, Libra proceeds in court, worldwide, with the help of the leading experts in the sector.
We share the information and data with our clients and update them in real time on the progress of the recovery claim, from the opening of the case until the final outcome.

Libra carefully verifies the conditions and the overall dynamics of the procedure, informing the customer - without any charge - of the concrete possibilities of recovery.

Libra shares with its clients the interest in obtaining a rapid and fair recovery of the lost capital, financing all costs and retaining a share of the compensation only upon actual payment.
Libra carefully verifies the conditions and the overall dynamics of the supplies, informing our clients of the concrete possibilities of recovery, without any charge.
We share information and data with our clients and update them in real time on the progress of the compensation claim, from the commencement of the procedure until the final outcome.
Great attention is given to keeping the supply contract in force; therefore, we rely on high-profile negotiations and extreme confidentiality, with a view to sharing fair compensation and restoring transparency and trust in the supply chain.

Step by step

How to claim damages caused by anti-competitive practices

Monitoring and notice

Libra constantly monitors the market, identifying cases of violation of antitrust law or other anticompetitive practices.
For each case with sound grounds for compensation, Libra publishes the relative section on the portal. All companies that have subscribed to the newsletter are notified of the newest cases.

Collection of documents

Companies damaged by the anticompetitive practices reported on our portal are assisted by Libra professionals in collecting the necessary documentation and records (e.g. purchase invoices, supplier accounting records).
The documentation is examined by Libra experts, who assess its suitability and calculate an estimate of the compensable damage.
The damaged companies are then free to decide whether to proceed with the compensation of the estimated damage, for which they do not bear any cost or risks.

Negotiation and litigation

Libra professionals prepare the documentation proving the damage and provide the evidence concerning the supplier's illegal conduct.
The negotiations for the compensation of the damage are then started.
Each subsequent phase, including litigation, is shared with our clients. They may partake in deciding the best strategies to adopt and may collaborate in maximising the result in order to maintain the relationship with the supplier, if this is of interest.
Having obtained compensation for the damage, Libra receives a predetermined share of the amount recovered.
However, in case of negative outcome of the dispute, no compensation is due for the activity performed.
Before commencing negotiations or litigation, Libra and its clients may agree upon an unconditional assignment of credit, by virtue of which companies directly and immediately receives from Libra a sum as compensation for the damage, eliminating thus the uncertainties as to when and how much will actually be compensated.

We handle all major cases of breach of competition law, representing individual entrepreneurs and trade associations.


Our most valuable asset is knowledge

Libra constantly monitors  the latest provisions and the ongoing investigations of the Antitrust Authorities, seeking for new cases that could affect the Italian market.
Thanks to our international network of partners and affiliated offices, we provide access to justice to Italian companies damaged by foreign suppliers, which can claim compensation in all European and US jurisdictions.
We favor high-profile confidential negotiations, representing groups of buyers with the aim of obtaining fair compensation, without compromising the supply relationship, restoring, thus,  trust in the supply chain.
Only in case of need, we proceed to court, hence hiring the best specialists in the sector, with no costs and risks for the damaged party.



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